Generic Skills - Watercolor

Watercolor Paint Colors to Start

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 2 Students enrolled
Created by Arts Why Master Last updated Tue, 17-Aug-2021 English
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Watercolor Paint Colors to Start

Don't get seduced by all the paint colors available. Start with a few essential colors and get to know each one looks and mixes. Buy a tube of these colors, plus a palette:

  • naphthol red
  • phthalo blue
  • azo yellow
  • phthalo green
  • burnt umber
  • Payne’s grey 

If you don't want to buy so much paint all at once, you can get a set of watercolor pans—a collection of small boxes of color that comes in a set—which is also very convenient if you want to travel with your paints.

You won't need black for shadows—shadows are created best as mixtures of the other colors—and you don't need white either since the paper is used as the white.

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